Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Little Fires Everywhere

Little Fires Everywhere

Little Fires Everywhere
Celeste Ng

There has been a lot of excitement about Little Fires Everywhere since its publication and even before. The author, Celeste Ng, is a US writer who grew up in the Cleveland, Ohio suburb of Shaker Heights, a “planned community”. Ng’s first novel, Everything I Never Told You was such a great hit that it wasn't difficult to generate interest in her second novel.

When I started to read Little Fires Everywhere it was difficult to stop because I became totally engrossed in the fascinating characters. We get a window into the life of the Richardson family, a seemingly perfect family – mom, dad, with 4 teenagers, 2 daughters and 2 sons, living the perfect planned life in the perfectly planned community.

Along came a spider and sat down beside her….oh wait. I mean, there moved into the community some outsiders, a mom and daughter, who bring fresh points of view and consequently unintentionally tip over the applecart.

Personalities react with personalities, people get nosy, little fires are lit and chaos ensues.

I loved it all. It was a great read and I recommend it to anyone who enjoys a good story, told well.

I know I do Little Fires Everywhere an injustice with this piddling little review, so I urge you to look it up on Goodreads or just Google it.

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